12/22/2019 |
St. Petersburg Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
12529 |
12/22/2019 |
St. Petersburg Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
11044 |
PML30 White Nights
12/22/2019 |
St. Petersburg Qualifier
Design Award
14277 |
12/22/2019 |
St. Petersburg Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
11058 |
AutoVortex Transilvania
12/22/2019 |
St. Petersburg Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
14270 |
Quantum Robotics
12/22/2019 |
St. Petersburg Qualifier
Inspire Award
14270 |
Quantum Robotics
12/22/2019 |
St. Petersburg Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
12524 |
Sputnik Original
12/22/2019 |
St. Petersburg Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
14103 |
Sputnik Elementary
12/22/2019 |
St. Petersburg Qualifier
Judges' Award
17438 |
12/22/2019 |
St. Petersburg Qualifier
Motivate Award
12524 |
Sputnik Original
12/22/2019 |
St. Petersburg Qualifier
Think Award
14103 |
Sputnik Elementary
12/22/2019 |
St. Petersburg Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
12529 |
12/22/2019 |
St. Petersburg Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
11044 |
PML30 White Nights
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
9073 |
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
13599 |
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
16862 |
Terabyte Triceratops
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Connect Award
6700 |
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
9830 |
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Connect Award 3rd Place
14399 |
Gearbox Gators
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
15025 |
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
12096 |
Absolute Zero
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
9073 |
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Design Award
14607 |
Robot Uprising
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Design Award 2nd Place
17196 |
Epsilon Delta, Also
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Design Award 3rd Place
12096 |
Absolute Zero
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
14607 |
Robot Uprising
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
13447 |
Marz Barz
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
12096 |
Absolute Zero
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Inspire Award
12096 |
Absolute Zero
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
9073 |
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
10515 |
Xtreme Voltage
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Judges' Award
16862 |
Terabyte Triceratops
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Motivate Award
10515 |
Xtreme Voltage
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Motivate Award 2nd Place
519 |
Epsilon Delta Too
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Motivate Award 3rd Place
16519 |
Next Gen Nerds
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Think Award
13353 |
Circuit Breakers
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
519 |
Epsilon Delta Too
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Think Award 3rd Place
9830 |
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
9073 |
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
14399 |
Gearbox Gators
12/15/2019 |
Centreville Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
13599 |
12/15/2019 |
NorCal FTC San Mateo Quali...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
14605 |
Space Muffins
12/15/2019 |
NorCal FTC San Mateo Quali...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
12628 |
Fremont Hawk
12/15/2019 |
NorCal FTC San Mateo Quali...
Connect Award
12962 |
12/15/2019 |
NorCal FTC San Mateo Quali...
Connect Award 2nd Place
13190 |
12/15/2019 |
NorCal FTC San Mateo Quali...
Connect Award 3rd Place
14969 |
12/15/2019 |
NorCal FTC San Mateo Quali...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
4950 |
Tino 49ers
12/15/2019 |
NorCal FTC San Mateo Quali...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
14969 |
12/15/2019 |
NorCal FTC San Mateo Quali...
Design Award
16026 |
12/15/2019 |
NorCal FTC San Mateo Quali...
Design Award 2nd Place
13117 |
Σ Installation Sigma
12/15/2019 |
NorCal FTC San Mateo Quali...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
15037 |
UwU Robotics
12/15/2019 |
NorCal FTC San Mateo Quali...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
9656 |
12/15/2019 |
NorCal FTC San Mateo Quali...
Inspire Award
14969 |
12/15/2019 |
NorCal FTC San Mateo Quali...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
9656 |
12/15/2019 |
NorCal FTC San Mateo Quali...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
16026 |
12/15/2019 |
NorCal FTC San Mateo Quali...
Motivate Award
14162 |
12/15/2019 |
NorCal FTC San Mateo Quali...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
15037 |
UwU Robotics
12/15/2019 |
NorCal FTC San Mateo Quali...
Think Award
9656 |
12/15/2019 |
NorCal FTC San Mateo Quali...
Think Award 2nd Place
6038 |
12/15/2019 |
NorCal FTC San Mateo Quali...
Think Award 3rd Place
11466 |
12/15/2019 |
NorCal FTC San Mateo Quali...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
16026 |
12/15/2019 |
NorCal FTC San Mateo Quali...
Winning Alliance - Captain
14969 |
12/15/2019 |
Wildcat Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
10100 |
Phoenix Force
12/15/2019 |
Wildcat Qualifier
Connect Award
4106 |
Supposable Thumbs
12/15/2019 |
Wildcat Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
8680 |
12/15/2019 |
Wildcat Qualifier
Design Award
14820 |
Wildcats Blue
12/15/2019 |
Wildcat Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
16460 |
12/15/2019 |
Wildcat Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
16634 |
12/15/2019 |
Wildcat Qualifier
Inspire Award
16310 |
Rising Rhinobots
12/15/2019 |
Wildcat Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
10291 |
Shorewood Robo-Hounds
12/15/2019 |
Wildcat Qualifier
Motivate Award
16305 |
High Tide Robotics
12/15/2019 |
Wildcat Qualifier
Think Award
13201 |
Team Hazmat
12/15/2019 |
Wildcat Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
8680 |
12/15/2019 |
Wildcat Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
4106 |
Supposable Thumbs
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
5233 |
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
5421 |
RM'd and Dangerous
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
8479 |
RoboCavs Gold
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Connect Award
17080 |
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Connect Award 2nd Place
5421 |
RM'd and Dangerous
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Connect Award 3rd Place
8479 |
RoboCavs Gold
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
7468 |
Blue Chariots of Fire
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
5233 |
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
17080 |
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Design Award
14984 |
Sentinel Circuiteers
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Design Award 2nd Place
5233 |
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Design Award 3rd Place
5421 |
RM'd and Dangerous
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
5233 |
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
4234 |
Engineered Chaos (Techbrick FTC #4234)
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Inspire Award
5421 |
RM'd and Dangerous
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
17080 |
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
8479 |
RoboCavs Gold
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Judges' Award
15664 |
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Motivate Award
6284 |
RoboCavs Black
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
17080 |
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
8479 |
RoboCavs Gold
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Think Award
8479 |
RoboCavs Gold
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Think Award 2nd Place
5233 |
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Think Award 3rd Place
17080 |
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
5421 |
RM'd and Dangerous
12/14/2019 |
Baltimore City SKYSTONE Qu...
Winning Alliance - Captain
7468 |
Blue Chariots of Fire
12/14/2019 |
Downtown Phoenix Qualifyin...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
9743 |
12/14/2019 |
Downtown Phoenix Qualifyin...
Connect Award
13910 |
12/14/2019 |
Downtown Phoenix Qualifyin...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
16279 |
Sleep Deprived
12/14/2019 |
Downtown Phoenix Qualifyin...
Design Award
17216 |
12/14/2019 |
Downtown Phoenix Qualifyin...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
9743 |
12/14/2019 |
Downtown Phoenix Qualifyin...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
16279 |
Sleep Deprived
12/14/2019 |
Downtown Phoenix Qualifyin...
Inspire Award
15430 |
ACE Robotics
12/14/2019 |
Downtown Phoenix Qualifyin...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
13910 |
12/14/2019 |
Downtown Phoenix Qualifyin...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
9743 |
12/14/2019 |
Downtown Phoenix Qualifyin...
Judges' Award
8784 |
12/14/2019 |
Downtown Phoenix Qualifyin...
Motivate Award
15477 |
Cloud Nine Gladiators
12/14/2019 |
Downtown Phoenix Qualifyin...
Think Award
7613 |
Sinagua Mustangs
12/14/2019 |
Downtown Phoenix Qualifyin...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
13910 |
12/14/2019 |
Downtown Phoenix Qualifyin...
Winning Alliance - Captain
15430 |
ACE Robotics
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
15229 |
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
5237 |
Loose Screws
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
8580 |
Oakview CyberDragons
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Compass Award
14706 |
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Compass Award 2nd Place
12890 |
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Compass Award 3rd Place
12955 |
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Connect Award
6134 |
Black Frogs
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Connect Award 2nd Place
12890 |
Emerson E.A.G.L.E.S.
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Connect Award 3rd Place
10477 |
Rapid Robots
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
11129 |
Novi Robotitans #11129
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
14657 |
Robo Warriors
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
7252 |
Vicious Volts
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Design Award
11717 |
Circuit Breakers
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Design Award 2nd Place
15104 |
Static Eagles
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Design Award 3rd Place
6255 |
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
11691 |
Scripps Dragons
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
10620 |
Pioneer Green Panthers
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
10016 |
Clarkston RoboWolves
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Inspire Award
11691 |
Scripps Dragons
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
11129 |
Novi Robotitans #11129
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
11717 |
Circuit Breakers
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Judges' Award
7215 |
Turning Gears
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Motivate Award
7048 |
Purple Protons
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
15256 |
Techno Knights
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
13462 |
Digital Owls
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Promote Award
6155 |
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Promote Award 2nd Place
14657 |
Robo Warriors
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Promote Award 3rd Place
15200 |
Robo Bots
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Think Award
6155 |
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Think Award 2nd Place
5291 |
TOWR The Oxford Wildcats Robotics
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Think Award 3rd Place
10016 |
Clarkston RoboWolves
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
11129 |
Novi Robotitans #11129
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
14353 |
The N.E.R.D.-bots!
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Winning Alliance - Captain
14657 |
Robo Warriors
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
11717 |
Circuit Breakers
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
12862 |
Waldon Dragons
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
7252 |
Vicious Volts
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
11691 |
Scripps Dragons
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
10620 |
Pioneer Green Panthers
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Winning Alliance - Captain
10016 |
Clarkston RoboWolves
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
6155 |
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
14706 |
Armada Pi-Gears
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
12912 |
Robo Kids
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
11129 |
Novi Robotitans #11129
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
14353 |
The N.E.R.D.-bots!
12/14/2019 |
FIRST in Michigan FTC Stat...
Winning Alliance - Captain
14657 |
Robo Warriors
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
6964 |
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
9872 |
(In)Formal Logic
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
7244 |
OUT of the BOX
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Connect Award
9872 |
(In)Formal Logic
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
7244 |
OUT of the BOX
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Connect Award 3rd Place
16330 |
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Design Award
11208 |
Kardia Robotics
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Design Award 2nd Place
6964 |
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Design Award 3rd Place
9872 |
(In)Formal Logic
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
7244 |
OUT of the BOX
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
11208 |
Kardia Robotics
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
9872 |
(In)Formal Logic
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Inspire Award
7244 |
OUT of the BOX
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
9872 |
(In)Formal Logic
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
16330 |
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Judges' Award
16087 |
Klinger Klippers
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Judges' Award
9997 |
Wolf Pack Robotics
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Motivate Award
9791 |
Divide by Zero
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Motivate Award 2nd Place
16330 |
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Motivate Award 3rd Place
7244 |
OUT of the BOX
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Think Award
16330 |
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
7244 |
OUT of the BOX
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Think Award 3rd Place
11208 |
Kardia Robotics
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
10333 |
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
5440 |
Blazin' Circuits
12/14/2019 |
Hat Tricks Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
9791 |
Divide by Zero
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
14995 |
The Legion
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
13737 |
Belton Cyber Pirates
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
15879 |
Sacred Heart Robotics Team
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Connect Award
13399 |
Belton Cyber Pirates
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
9798 |
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Connect Award 3rd Place
16225 |
The Bambi Bots
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
9102 |
Ravonics Orion
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
9798 |
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Design Award
17112 |
Taco Tuesday Robotics
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Design Award 2nd Place
9102 |
Ravonics Orion
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Design Award 3rd Place
9106 |
Ravonics Genesis
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
9102 |
Ravonics Orion
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
9105 |
Ravonics Voyager
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
15879 |
Sacred Heart Robotics Team
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Inspire Award
7357 |
Team Titanium Tech
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
16309 |
Stealth Panther Robotics FTC
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
13737 |
Belton Cyber Pirates
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Judges' Award
10872 |
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Motivate Award
9849 |
The Small Fries
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Motivate Award 2nd Place
9798 |
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Motivate Award 3rd Place
15879 |
Sacred Heart Robotics Team
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Think Award
9108 |
Ravonics Spitzer
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
9107 |
Ravonics Curiosity
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Think Award 3rd Place
16309 |
Stealth Panther Robotics FTC
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
16309 |
Stealth Panther Robotics FTC
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
13306 |
St. Pius X High School
12/14/2019 |
Knob Noster Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
7357 |
Team Titanium Tech
12/14/2019 |
Lakeshore Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
16252 |
Ruh-Roh Robotics
12/14/2019 |
Lakeshore Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
16217 |
12/14/2019 |
Lakeshore Qualifier
Connect Award
14631 |
Laser Tech
12/14/2019 |
Lakeshore Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
16208 |
Crimson Crusaders
12/14/2019 |
Lakeshore Qualifier
Connect Award 3rd Place
11570 |
Étude Engineers
12/14/2019 |
Lakeshore Qualifier
Design Award
16322 |
Silver Storm
12/14/2019 |
Lakeshore Qualifier
Design Award 2nd Place
14631 |
Laser Tech
12/14/2019 |
Lakeshore Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
4115 |
Men in Kilts
12/14/2019 |
Lakeshore Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
7974 |
Great Scott!
12/14/2019 |
Lakeshore Qualifier
Inspire Award
6981 |
Hortonville Robotics
12/14/2019 |
Lakeshore Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
7974 |
Great Scott!
12/14/2019 |
Lakeshore Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
16252 |
Ruh-Roh Robotics
12/14/2019 |
Lakeshore Qualifier
Motivate Award
6985 |
Droid Rage Rewired
12/14/2019 |
Lakeshore Qualifier
Motivate Award 2nd Place
16322 |
Silver Storm
12/14/2019 |
Lakeshore Qualifier
Motivate Award 3rd Place
16217 |
12/14/2019 |
Lakeshore Qualifier
Think Award
7974 |
Great Scott!
12/14/2019 |
Lakeshore Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
16252 |
Ruh-Roh Robotics
12/14/2019 |
Lakeshore Qualifier
Think Award 3rd Place
16208 |
Crimson Crusaders
12/14/2019 |
Lakeshore Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
14631 |
Laser Tech
12/14/2019 |
Lakeshore Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
16327 |
Panicking Coconuts
12/14/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
17614 |
Chihuahuas Robotics Team
12/14/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Connect Award
17755 |
12/14/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
7649 |
Botrregos Jr. 7649
12/14/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Design Award
12887 |
Devolt Phobos
12/14/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
9351 |
Delta Robotics
12/14/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
12887 |
Devolt Phobos
12/14/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Inspire Award
16388 |
12/14/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Judges' Award
9351 |
Delta Robotics
12/14/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Motivate Award
17531 |
12/14/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Think Award
15704 |
12/14/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
17531 |
12/14/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Winning Alliance - Captain
15704 |
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
3749 |
Good Enough
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
4634 |
FROGbots - Purple
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
8788 |
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Connect Award
12838 |
Lancaster Kinetic Storm
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Connect Award 2nd Place
16537 |
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Connect Award 3rd Place
12747 |
Lancaster Circuit Breakers
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
8788 |
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
4634 |
FROGbots - Purple
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
3749 |
Good Enough
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Design Award
16537 |
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Design Award 2nd Place
3749 |
Good Enough
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Design Award 3rd Place
14476 |
nothing but treble
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
8788 |
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
8474 |
Duck Tape Duckies
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
10570 |
CAT5 CyberCanes
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Inspire Award
4634 |
FROGbots - Purple
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
17160 |
FROGbots - Green
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
12838 |
Lancaster Kinetic Storm
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Judges' Award
17357 |
Comet Crusaders
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Motivate Award
17150 |
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
12838 |
Lancaster Kinetic Storm
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
4634 |
FROGbots - Purple
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Think Award
17160 |
FROGbots - Green
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Think Award 2nd Place
3749 |
Good Enough
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Think Award 3rd Place
14575 |
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
17160 |
FROGbots - Green
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
15167 |
Robo Troopers
12/14/2019 |
Newport News Qualifying To...
Winning Alliance - Captain
4634 |
FROGbots - Purple
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
8381 |
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
14473 |
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
13380 |
Quantum Stinger
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Connect Award
11201 |
Piedmont Pioneers
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Connect Award 2nd Place
7610 |
Tino Frontier
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Connect Award 3rd Place
11467 |
Data Miners
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Design Award
14473 |
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Design Award 2nd Place
12635 |
Kuriosity Robotics
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Design Award 3rd Place
8381 |
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
5214 |
QLS Tech Support
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
11920 |
QLS Human Resources
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Inspire Award
12635 |
Kuriosity Robotics
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
13380 |
Quantum Stinger
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
14473 |
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Judges' Award
16918 |
Girls of Steel
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Motivate Award
16534 |
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
7128 |
28 Karat
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
12635 |
Kuriosity Robotics
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Think Award
13380 |
Quantum Stinger
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Think Award 2nd Place
7128 |
28 Karat
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Think Award 3rd Place
11467 |
Data Miners
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
15034 |
QLS Middle Management
12/14/2019 |
NorCal FTC Google Qualifyi...
Winning Alliance - Captain
12635 |
Kuriosity Robotics
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
13585 |
Garage Mechanics
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
6460 |
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
16700 |
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Connect Award
18 |
Techno Chix
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Connect Award 2nd Place
8975 |
Nut Jobs
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Connect Award 3rd Place
11995 |
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
9984 |
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
5356 |
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
6460 |
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Design Award
5356 |
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Design Award 2nd Place
9984 |
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Design Award 3rd Place
14903 |
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
9773 |
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
6460 |
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Inspire Award
8397 |
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
14903 |
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
18 |
Techno Chix
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Judges' Award
16854 |
Nuclear Destruction
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Motivate Award
8975 |
Nut Jobs
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
11995 |
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
4809 |
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Think Award
4809 |
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Think Award 2nd Place
9984 |
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Think Award 3rd Place
18 |
Techno Chix
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
5356 |
12/14/2019 |
NY Excelsior Kingston Qual...
Winning Alliance - Captain
8397 |
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
16449 |
Juniper Robotics
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
5040 |
Nuts & Bolts
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
3903 |
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Compass Award
16124 |
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Connect Award
14174 |
Cougar Robotics
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Connect Award 2nd Place
10084 |
Team Calamari
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Connect Award 3rd Place
10464 |
The Bionic Tigers
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
6150 |
Moderately Dangerous
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
8719 |
Quantum Leap
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
10464 |
The Bionic Tigers
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Design Award
5501 |
VW Robotics
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Design Award 2nd Place
16124 |
Scientific Notation
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Design Award 3rd Place
11580 |
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
6298 |
Broken Axles
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
10851 |
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
9606 |
Smoking Motors
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Inspire Award
8719 |
Quantum Leap
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
10464 |
The Bionic Tigers
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
16124 |
Scientific Notation
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Judges' Award
16657 |
We Did Start the Fire
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Motivate Award
16124 |
Scientific Notation
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
8719 |
Quantum Leap
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
16449 |
Juniper Robotics
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Promote Award
6150 |
Moderately Dangerous
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Promote Award 2nd Place
10851 |
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Promote Award 3rd Place
10464 |
The Bionic Tigers
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Think Award
10464 |
The Bionic Tigers
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Think Award 2nd Place
16124 |
Scientific Notation
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Think Award 3rd Place
8719 |
Quantum Leap
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
16449 |
Juniper Robotics
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
5040 |
Nuts & Bolts
12/14/2019 |
Ohio State Newark-COTC Qua...
Winning Alliance - Captain
8719 |
Quantum Leap
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
15648 |
Wonder Pets
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
10526 |
BA BLACK: µicroBotixs
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
16986 |
BA WHITE: Critical Error
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Connect Award
13227 |
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
8565 |
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Design Award
9010 |
Robotic Rangers
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Design Award 2nd Place
16336 |
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Design Award 3rd Place
8811 |
Robo*Bison Amistad
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
8811 |
Robo*Bison Amistad
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
15648 |
Wonder Pets
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
13537 |
RoboChargers - Lightning
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Inspire Award
8565 |
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
9010 |
Robotic Rangers
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
14524 |
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Motivate Award
13916 |
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Motivate Award 2nd Place
13227 |
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Think Award
14524 |
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
8565 |
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Think Award 3rd Place
9010 |
Robotic Rangers
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
9010 |
Robotic Rangers
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
15084 |
12/14/2019 |
Townview Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
8565 |
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
5020 |
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
11245 |
Victor FTC Team 1
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
15054 |
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Connect Award
6347 |
Geared Up
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Connect Award 2nd Place
10776 |
The Blackwater Bots
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Connect Award 3rd Place
12833 |
Mechanical Meltdown
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
12736 |
Electric Mayhem Green
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
3750 |
Rush Henrietta Royal Robotics
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
5485 |
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Design Award
7230 |
SAS Atoms
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Design Award 2nd Place
5319 |
Buff Sci-borgs
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Design Award 3rd Place
5020 |
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
7230 |
SAS Atoms
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
12736 |
Electric Mayhem Green
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
12879 |
Firebird Sprockets
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Inspire Award
5485 |
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
6347 |
Geared Up
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
7230 |
SAS Atoms
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Judges' Award
17518 |
The Atom Bots
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Motivate Award
12737 |
Electric Mayhem White
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
15054 |
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
8806 |
The Dark Matter Dragons
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Think Award
8806 |
The Dark Matter Dragons
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Think Award 2nd Place
12833 |
Mechanical Meltdown
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Think Award 3rd Place
5319 |
Buff Sci-borgs
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
5485 |
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
11975 |
South Lewis HS
12/08/2019 |
NY Excelsior Finger Lakes ...
Winning Alliance - Captain
12833 |
Mechanical Meltdown
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
11531 |
Techno Trojans II
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
8533 |
CSPA Miners
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
11317 |
Alpha Wolfpack
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Compass Award
15339 |
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Connect Award
7837 |
The Thunder Colts
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
8533 |
CSPA Miners
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Connect Award 3rd Place
7023 |
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
6070 |
WOW - West Ottawa Warriors
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
10255 |
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
14697 |
Fennville RoboHawks - Team Orange
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Design Award
11228 |
Cityside Middle School
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Design Award 2nd Place
10255 |
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Design Award 3rd Place
11266 |
River Rat Robotics
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
7023 |
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
8932 |
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
11531 |
Techno Trojans II
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Inspire Award
10255 |
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
8533 |
CSPA Miners
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
7837 |
The Thunder Colts
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Judges' Award
17538 |
Western Michigan Christian Middle School
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Motivate Award
10104 |
That OTHER Team
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Motivate Award 2nd Place
7837 |
The Thunder Colts
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Motivate Award 3rd Place
8533 |
CSPA Miners
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Promote Award
11317 |
Alpha Wolfpack
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Think Award
8533 |
CSPA Miners
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
7023 |
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Think Award 3rd Place
6070 |
WOW - West Ottawa Warriors
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
8533 |
CSPA Miners
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
6043 |
12/07/2019 |
Allendale FTC Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
10255 |
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
13118 |
IntelliGIMS Robotics
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
15354 |
Heritage Hydroflasks
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
14009 |
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Connect Award
14935 |
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Connect Award 2nd Place
14815 |
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Connect Award 3rd Place
12895 |
ARI, Awesome Robotics Inc
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
13748 |
Nerds United
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
14752 |
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
13106 |
Walnut Creek RoboHawks
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Design Award
12895 |
ARI, Awesome Robotics Inc
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Design Award 2nd Place
14009 |
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Design Award 3rd Place
16836 |
OLGC Crusader Creators
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
13748 |
Nerds United
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
14711 |
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
13419 |
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Inspire Award
17076 |
Beach Bums
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
12895 |
ARI, Awesome Robotics Inc
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
13118 |
IntelliGIMS Robotics
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Judges' Award
14033 |
Robo Ravens
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Motivate Award
14790 |
Coding Cobras
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
13002 |
Screaming Eagles
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
12352 |
All Saints Robotics
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Think Award
14351 |
Bionic Dragons
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Think Award 2nd Place
14935 |
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Think Award 3rd Place
17030 |
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
16836 |
OLGC Crusader Creators
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
14815 |
12/07/2019 |
Farmington Hills RoboVikin...
Winning Alliance - Captain
14790 |
Coding Cobras
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southcentral Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
16880 |
Cyberian Tigers
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southcentral Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
16542 |
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southcentral Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
3825 |
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southcentral Qualifier
Connect Award
12651 |
Metal Knights
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southcentral Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
12656 |
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southcentral Qualifier
Connect Award 3rd Place
3825 |
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southcentral Qualifier
Design Award
3208 |
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southcentral Qualifier
Design Award 2nd Place
3825 |
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southcentral Qualifier
Design Award 3rd Place
10908 |
Four Rad Bros
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southcentral Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
11497 |
CHS Wolverines
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southcentral Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
15923 |
Wolverines Remastered
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southcentral Qualifier
Inspire Award
12648 |
Warrior Nation
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southcentral Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
12651 |
Metal Knights
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southcentral Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
16660 |
West High Robotics
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southcentral Qualifier
Motivate Award
16660 |
West High Robotics
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southcentral Qualifier
Motivate Award 2nd Place
15154 |
Resurrection Robotics
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southcentral Qualifier
Motivate Award 3rd Place
3825 |
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southcentral Qualifier
Think Award
12656 |
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southcentral Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
16880 |
Cyberian Tigers
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southcentral Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
12648 |
Warrior Nation
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southcentral Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
12651 |
Metal Knights
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southeast Qualifier
Connect Award
3766 |
Happy Dave
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southeast Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
3081 |
Trial and Error
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southeast Qualifier
Connect Award 3rd Place
17472 |
Accidental Volunteers
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southeast Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
12087 |
Bots in Black
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southeast Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
16837 |
The Prickles
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southeast Qualifier
Inspire Award
10099 |
Chain Reaction
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southeast Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
6281 |
Genetic Advantage
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southeast Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
3081 |
Trial and Error
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southeast Qualifier
Think Award
6281 |
Genetic Advantage
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southeast Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
3081 |
Trial and Error
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southeast Qualifier
Think Award 3rd Place
3766 |
Happy Dave
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southeast Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
17472 |
Accidental Volunteers
12/07/2019 |
FTC Southeast Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
10099 |
Chain Reaction
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
310 |
Stuy Fission
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
4174 |
Atomic Theory
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
4784 |
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Connect Award
14212 |
Metro CyborKnights
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Connect Award 2nd Place
15580 |
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Connect Award 3rd Place
10322 |
Shark Byte
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
4174 |
Atomic Theory
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
310 |
Stuy Fission
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
6051 |
Quantum Mechanics
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Design Award
6051 |
Quantum Mechanics
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Design Award 2nd Place
14413 |
Trinity Tigers
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Design Award 3rd Place
4174 |
Atomic Theory
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
479 |
Stuy Fusion
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
17363 |
Victory Collegiate High School - Project MOVE
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
4784 |
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Inspire Award
11943 |
The Nighthawks
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
310 |
Stuy Fission
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
4174 |
Atomic Theory
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Judges' Award
16622 |
KIPPNYC Bulldogs
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Motivate Award
14405 |
CAP Crusaders
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
17253 |
Ulterior Motive
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
11943 |
The Nighthawks
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Think Award
479 |
Stuy Fusion
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Think Award 2nd Place
12572 |
Halsey Bulldog Robotics Team
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Think Award 3rd Place
14212 |
Metro CyborKnights
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
310 |
Stuy Fission
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
6051 |
Quantum Mechanics
12/07/2019 |
John Dewey High School Qua...
Winning Alliance - Captain
4174 |
Atomic Theory
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
11200 |
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
16302 |
VAL Eagle Robotics Tech
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
6448 |
Blue Jays
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Connect Award
16302 |
VAL Eagle Robotics Tech
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
14901 |
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Design Award
9768 |
Steel Eagles
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Design Award 2nd Place
6448 |
Blue Jays
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Design Award 3rd Place
11220 |
Bayou Bots
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
14901 |
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
11220 |
Bayou Bots
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Inspire Award
6448 |
Blue Jays
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
11220 |
Bayou Bots
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
16302 |
VAL Eagle Robotics Tech
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Judges' Award
16879 |
E. D. White Catholic High School
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Motivate Award
14901 |
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Motivate Award 2nd Place
6448 |
Blue Jays
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Motivate Award 3rd Place
16302 |
VAL Eagle Robotics Tech
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Think Award
11220 |
Bayou Bots
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
9768 |
Steel Eagles
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Think Award 3rd Place
6448 |
Blue Jays
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
6448 |
Blue Jays
12/07/2019 |
Lafayette Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
9768 |
Steel Eagles
12/07/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
12680 |
Robotic Eagles
12/07/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Connect Award
14080 |
Lightning Gears
12/07/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
12887 |
Devolt Phobos
12/07/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Design Award
13531 |
12/07/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
12680 |
Robotic Eagles
12/07/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
15600 |
12/07/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Inspire Award
6872 |
12/07/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Judges' Award
16259 |
12/07/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Motivate Award
15909 |
Devolt Deimos
12/07/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Think Award
15600 |
12/07/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
13531 |
12/07/2019 |
Mexico SKYSTONE FTC Region...
Winning Alliance - Captain
6872 |
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
13605 |
Mechanical Mayhem
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
9415 |
#9415 Wrench Dressing
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
16842 |
Caledonia Tech Warriors
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Connect Award
12685 |
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Connect Award 2nd Place
17299 |
Thunder Chickens
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Connect Award 3rd Place
11566 |
Tough Cookies
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
9415 |
#9415 Wrench Dressing
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
11566 |
Tough Cookies
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
9617 |
Loose Screws
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Design Award
11299 |
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Design Award 2nd Place
12886 |
The LaGrange Points
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Design Award 3rd Place
9415 |
#9415 Wrench Dressing
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
9415 |
#9415 Wrench Dressing
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
11608 |
Crimson Robotics Armored Penguins
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
17249 |
Knights Who Say NI
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Inspire Award
14556 |
Tactical Tech Tomato Turtles
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
13247 |
RPM Robotics
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
11299 |
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Motivate Award
11873 |
Element Unknown
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
11566 |
Tough Cookies
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
14556 |
Tactical Tech Tomato Turtles
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Think Award
13247 |
RPM Robotics
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Think Award 2nd Place
14556 |
Tactical Tech Tomato Turtles
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Think Award 3rd Place
11299 |
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
13247 |
RPM Robotics
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
12886 |
The LaGrange Points
12/07/2019 |
MN FTC Maple Grove Qualifi...
Winning Alliance - Captain
11299 |
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
6973 |
Radical Robotics
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
16426 |
Absolute Zero
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
5395 |
Team Clutch
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Connect Award
6735 |
Team Medusa
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
7506 |
System Overload
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Connect Award 3rd Place
4250 |
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
4250 |
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
7506 |
System Overload
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
8866 |
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Design Award
10312 |
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Design Award 2nd Place
4266 |
Makin' Stuff Move
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Design Award 3rd Place
13798 |
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
13798 |
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
4962 |
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
5141 |
Warrior Bots
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Inspire Award
8866 |
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
4250 |
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
6735 |
Team Medusa
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Judges' Award
10368 |
The Level Ups
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Motivate Award
7242 |
BC Robocats
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Motivate Award 2nd Place
14731 |
Lomega Robotics
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Motivate Award 3rd Place
5395 |
Team Clutch
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Think Award
4250 |
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
7506 |
System Overload
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Think Award 3rd Place
4266 |
Makin' Stuff Move
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
6735 |
Team Medusa
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
10312 |
12/07/2019 |
Mustang Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
4250 |
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
3583 |
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
11362 |
M Cubed
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
17126 |
Natural Selection
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Connect Award
5178 |
Mech Hawks
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Connect Award 2nd Place
11362 |
M Cubed
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Connect Award 3rd Place
3583 |
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
389 |
The Swarm
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
11362 |
M Cubed
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
17126 |
Natural Selection
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Design Award
17126 |
Natural Selection
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Design Award 2nd Place
11362 |
M Cubed
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Design Award 3rd Place
14062 |
MoCo Machines
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
14062 |
MoCo Machines
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
11534 |
Bot Brigade Quartic
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Inspire Award
11362 |
M Cubed
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
17126 |
Natural Selection
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
14062 |
MoCo Machines
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Motivate Award
14062 |
MoCo Machines
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
11362 |
M Cubed
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
3583 |
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Think Award
11534 |
Bot Brigade Quartic
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Think Award 2nd Place
11362 |
M Cubed
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Think Award 3rd Place
17126 |
Natural Selection
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
389 |
The Swarm
12/07/2019 |
Southern Maryland SKYSTONE...
Winning Alliance - Captain
16835 |
The Pollinators
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
5385 |
Enigma Riddlers
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
11129 |
Novi Robotitans #11129
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
13702 |
Joe Bots - White
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Connect Award
15510 |
Pioneer Robotics
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Connect Award 2nd Place
11129 |
Novi Robotitans #11129
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Connect Award 3rd Place
10136 |
Frost RoboFalcons White
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
10477 |
Rapid Robots
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
15510 |
Pioneer Robotics
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
5385 |
Enigma Riddlers
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Design Award
11254 |
Robo Rhinos
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Design Award 2nd Place
15510 |
Pioneer Robotics
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Design Award 3rd Place
11846 |
Wayland Wildcat Cat-a-Tech-Nics
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
15510 |
Pioneer Robotics
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
12678 |
Mattawan RoboKats - 12678
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
16204 |
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Inspire Award
11129 |
Novi Robotitans #11129
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
15510 |
Pioneer Robotics
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
10136 |
Frost RoboFalcons White
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Judges' Award
16220 |
Forged Fury
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Judges' Award
15045 |
The Tech Cubs
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Judges' Award
15322 |
Bosscats 2.0
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Motivate Award
10136 |
Frost RoboFalcons White
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
11129 |
Novi Robotitans #11129
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
10477 |
Rapid Robots
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Think Award
11846 |
Wayland Wildcat Cat-a-Tech-Nics
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Think Award 2nd Place
11129 |
Novi Robotitans #11129
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Think Award 3rd Place
11254 |
Robo Rhinos
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
11129 |
Novi Robotitans #11129
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
13702 |
Joe Bots - White
12/07/2019 |
Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qu...
Winning Alliance - Captain
5385 |
Enigma Riddlers
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
16354 |
Phobos Ares Robotics Team
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
12593 |
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
2818 |
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Connect Award
16776 |
MARS: Opportunity
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Connect Award 2nd Place
13474 |
MARS: Curiosity?
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Connect Award 3rd Place
2818 |
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
14382 |
CC4H Robotics - Flex Force 1
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
2818 |
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
14427 |
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Design Award
14427 |
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Design Award 2nd Place
16354 |
Phobos Ares Robotics Team
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Design Award 3rd Place
16762 |
Raider Robotics
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
2818 |
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
8395 |
The A-Team
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
16011 |
Fayette County 4H
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Inspire Award
2818 |
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
13474 |
MARS: Curiosity?
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
11792 |
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Motivate Award
12556 |
Apollo Robotics
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
13474 |
MARS: Curiosity?
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
14464 |
AI Robotics
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Think Award
13474 |
MARS: Curiosity?
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Think Award 2nd Place
2818 |
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Think Award 3rd Place
11792 |
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
14427 |
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
12556 |
Apollo Robotics
12/07/2019 |
West Central Pennsylvania ...
Winning Alliance - Captain
14382 |
CC4H Robotics - Flex Force 1
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
12384 |
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
16896 |
Black Forest Robotics
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
5667 |
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Compass Award
3747 |
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Connect Award
16896 |
Black Forest Robotics
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
11062 |
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Connect Award 3rd Place
12384 |
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
14329 |
Harry Bot-ters
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
16091 |
T.W.C.A. (Team Without a Cool Acronym)
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
11062 |
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Design Award
5667 |
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Design Award 2nd Place
12384 |
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Design Award 3rd Place
16896 |
Black Forest Robotics
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
12351 |
Nuclear Minds
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
11062 |
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
14329 |
Harry Bot-ters
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Inspire Award
11062 |
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
16091 |
T.W.C.A. (Team Without a Cool Acronym)
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
16896 |
Black Forest Robotics
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Judges' Award
5804 |
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Motivate Award
5026 |
Tesla Coils
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Motivate Award 2nd Place
11062 |
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Motivate Award 3rd Place
10722 |
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Think Award
16091 |
T.W.C.A. (Team Without a Cool Acronym)
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
10722 |
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Think Award 3rd Place
5667 |
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
12384 |
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
12376 |
12/07/2019 |
West High Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
16896 |
Black Forest Robotics
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
12518 |
Almond Robotics
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
8788 |
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
16129 |
Infinite Overload
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Connect Award
7171 |
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Connect Award 2nd Place
14399 |
Gearbox Gators
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Connect Award 3rd Place
15310 |
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
11112 |
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
8297 |
Geared UP!
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
16502 |
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Design Award
7729 |
Seahawks Robotics
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Design Award 2nd Place
12096 |
Absolute Zero
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Design Award 3rd Place
11112 |
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
9073 |
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
12096 |
Absolute Zero
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Finalist Alliance - Captain
14607 |
Robot Uprising
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Inspire Award
8297 |
Geared UP!
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Inspire Award 2nd Place
7729 |
Seahawks Robotics
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Inspire Award 3rd Place
7171 |
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Motivate Award
12096 |
Absolute Zero
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Motivate Award 2nd Place
12518 |
Almond Robotics
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Motivate Award 3rd Place
14607 |
Robot Uprising
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Think Award
14607 |
Robot Uprising
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Think Award 2nd Place
7171 |
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Think Award 3rd Place
6010 |
Thunder Stone
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
8297 |
Geared UP!
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
16129 |
Infinite Overload
11/24/2019 |
Oakton Qualifying Tournament
Winning Alliance - Captain
11112 |
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
3188 |
Squiggle Splat Bang
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
7053 |
JH TramBots
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
17097 |
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Connect Award
5026 |
Tesla Coils
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
17122 |
Heritage Christian
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Connect Award 3rd Place
10662 |
Lazer Sharks in Space
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
12727 |
Identity Crisis
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
10731 |
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
2879 |
Technical Difficulty
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Design Award
15673 |
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Design Award 2nd Place
4813 |
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Design Award 3rd Place
8271 |
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
4133 |
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
2879 |
Technical Difficulty
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
54 |
Gr3y Matt3r
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Inspire Award
4133 |
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
724 |
RedNek Robotics Wun
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
14147 |
High Voltage Couch Bananas
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Judges' Award
17125 |
Columbus Robotics
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Judges' Award
11063 |
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Motivate Award
4273 |
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Motivate Award 2nd Place
4604 |
The Force
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Motivate Award 3rd Place
658 |
The Fellowship
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Think Award
6088 |
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
11063 |
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Think Award 3rd Place
6437 |
Mad Hatters
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
14147 |
High Voltage Couch Bananas
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
5026 |
Tesla Coils
11/23/2019 |
1st Montana FTC Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
10241 |
JH RoboBuffs
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
13140 |
The P-51 Mustangs: Team Imagine
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
6566 |
Circuit Breakers
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
14904 |
Lakehill Bionicles
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Connect Award
10577 |
Thunder Chicks
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
6566 |
Circuit Breakers
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Connect Award 3rd Place
7172 |
Technical Difficulties
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Design Award
6566 |
Circuit Breakers
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Design Award 2nd Place
9045 |
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Design Award 3rd Place
9161 |
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
15176 |
Broken Axles
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
6832 |
Iron Reign
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
11629 |
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Inspire Award
6832 |
Iron Reign
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
6566 |
Circuit Breakers
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
7172 |
Technical Difficulties
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Motivate Award
13472 |
The Dork Side
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Motivate Award 2nd Place
11629 |
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Motivate Award 3rd Place
13213 |
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Think Award
7172 |
Technical Difficulties
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
13472 |
The Dork Side
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Think Award 3rd Place
15176 |
Broken Axles
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
7172 |
Technical Difficulties
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
9161 |
11/23/2019 |
Allen Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
13141 |
The P-51 Mustangs: Team Inspire
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
6042 |
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
4155 |
M.I.T (Muskogee's Innovative Team)
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
11572 |
Mouse Spit
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Connect Award
14177 |
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
11572 |
Mouse Spit
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Connect Award 3rd Place
8825 |
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
5553 |
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
6042 |
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Design Award
8825 |
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Design Award 2nd Place
5553 |
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Design Award 3rd Place
14177 |
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
16505 |
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
14177 |
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Inspire Award
4155 |
M.I.T (Muskogee's Innovative Team)
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
5553 |
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
14177 |
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Motivate Award
14731 |
Lomega Robotics
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Motivate Award 2nd Place
11572 |
Mouse Spit
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Motivate Award 3rd Place
7163 |
The Bazinga Project
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Think Award
5553 |
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
4155 |
M.I.T (Muskogee's Innovative Team)
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Think Award 3rd Place
6042 |
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
4155 |
M.I.T (Muskogee's Innovative Team)
11/23/2019 |
Bishop Kelley Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
5553 |
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
10255 |
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
8733 |
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
14486 |
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Connect Award
14486 |
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Connect Award 2nd Place
7023 |
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Connect Award 3rd Place
12678 |
Mattawan RoboKats - 12678
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
14634 |
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
10255 |
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
10031 |
Red Storm Robotics-Blue
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Design Award
10024 |
Twisted Devils Black
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Design Award 2nd Place
7023 |
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Design Award 3rd Place
14486 |
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
5385 |
Enigma Riddlers
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
6494 |
Control Freaks WHITE
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
9133 |
Robo Dawgs
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Inspire Award
7023 |
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
5663 |
Twisted Devils Red
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
8733 |
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Motivate Award
5663 |
Twisted Devils Red
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
14486 |
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
8733 |
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Think Award
9855 |
Mattawan RoboKats - 9855
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Think Award 2nd Place
14486 |
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Think Award 3rd Place
5663 |
Twisted Devils Red
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
10255 |
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
16646 |
11/23/2019 |
Constantine FTC QualifierC...
Winning Alliance - Captain
13917 |
Hillside Robotics
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
8872 |
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
12516 |
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
16898 |
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Connect Award
9914 |
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Connect Award 2nd Place
15385 |
MidKnight Mayhem
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Connect Award 3rd Place
13217 |
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
13217 |
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
8872 |
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
9914 |
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Design Award
15068 |
Blood Type Zeta
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Design Award 2nd Place
7854 |
MidKnight Madness
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Design Award 3rd Place
16778 |
Cyber Wizards
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
15385 |
MidKnight Mayhem
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
13217 |
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Inspire Award
13217 |
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
16778 |
Cyber Wizards
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
7854 |
MidKnight Madness
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Judges' Award
14493 |
Comet BOTs
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Motivate Award
16778 |
Cyber Wizards
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
16535 |
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
16236 |
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Think Award
7854 |
MidKnight Madness
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Think Award 2nd Place
16778 |
Cyber Wizards
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Think Award 3rd Place
16236 |
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
16778 |
Cyber Wizards
11/23/2019 |
NorCal FTC Milpitas Qualif...
Winning Alliance - Captain
16535 |
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
8478 |
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
16408 |
Frost RoboFalcons Black
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
5237 |
Loose Screws
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Connect Award
8579 |
Classical Engineers
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Connect Award 2nd Place
11691 |
Scripps Dragons
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Connect Award 3rd Place
10016 |
Clarkston RoboWolves
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
10016 |
Clarkston RoboWolves
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
6134 |
Black Frogs
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
7138 |
Mechanical Mayhem
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Design Award
8133 |
Laker Robotics FTC Team 8133
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Design Award 2nd Place
7138 |
Mechanical Mayhem
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Design Award 3rd Place
5289 |
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
7693 |
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
5237 |
Loose Screws
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Finalist Alliance - Captain
10016 |
Clarkston RoboWolves
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Inspire Award
10309 |
Jefferson TechnoHuskies
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Inspire Award 2nd Place
6134 |
Black Frogs
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Inspire Award 3rd Place
7138 |
Mechanical Mayhem
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Judges' Award
6000 |
More Fabricators
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Motivate Award
10611 |
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Motivate Award 2nd Place
6134 |
Black Frogs
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Motivate Award 3rd Place
13643 |
Rebel Wreckers
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Think Award
6134 |
Black Frogs
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Think Award 2nd Place
7693 |
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Think Award 3rd Place
5289 |
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
16883 |
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
10620 |
Pioneer Green Panthers
11/23/2019 |
Oxford Wildcat Quest 1
Winning Alliance - Captain
11691 |
Scripps Dragons
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
15814 |
Harbor Springs Middle School Rambotics
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
12255 |
The Cute Fluffy Ewoks
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
15270 |
SnowBots Red
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Connect Award
13284 |
SnowBots Silver
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
15724 |
St. Mary's
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Connect Award 3rd Place
13818 |
Gotta Go Fast
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
5411 |
G3 Geeks, Gears, and Gadgets Green
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
15724 |
St. Mary's
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Design Award
10474 |
Artificial Intellegence
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Design Award 2nd Place
12068 |
Team Kraken
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Design Award 3rd Place
5411 |
G3 Geeks, Gears, and Gadgets Green
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
5411 |
G3 Geeks, Gears, and Gadgets Green
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
8621 |
G3: Geeks, Gears & Gadgets Blue
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
15814 |
Harbor Springs Middle School Rambotics
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Inspire Award
15724 |
St. Mary's
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
10062 |
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
5411 |
G3 Geeks, Gears, and Gadgets Green
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Judges' Award
15607 |
The Purple People Eaters
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Judges' Award
15602 |
Alcona Robotics
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Motivate Award
8621 |
G3: Geeks, Gears & Gadgets Blue
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Motivate Award 2nd Place
15724 |
St. Mary's
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Motivate Award 3rd Place
10062 |
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Think Award
10062 |
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
15724 |
St. Mary's
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Think Award 3rd Place
15270 |
SnowBots Red
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
15270 |
SnowBots Red
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
13818 |
Gotta Go Fast
11/23/2019 |
Pellston FTC Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
13284 |
SnowBots Silver
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
15182 |
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
8531 |
GA Bots
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
17189 |
The VOLTures
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Connect Award
14706 |
Armada Pi-Gears
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
7140 |
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Connect Award 3rd Place
15078 |
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
7252 |
Vicious Volts
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
16601 |
Blue Devils Tech Team 2
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
15568 |
Rocking Robotics
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Design Award
6155 |
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Design Award 2nd Place
15716 |
Radioactive Robots
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Design Award 3rd Place
12327 |
Blue Devils Tech Team
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
7252 |
Vicious Volts
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
9819 |
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
14670 |
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Inspire Award
9819 |
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
14706 |
Armada Pi-Gears
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
16523 |
Automated Eagles
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Motivate Award
12876 |
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Motivate Award 2nd Place
7085 |
F.L.A.G. Fight Like a Girl
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Motivate Award 3rd Place
15206 |
Thunder Cats
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Think Award
12890 |
Emerson E.A.G.L.E.S.
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
16523 |
Automated Eagles
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Think Award 3rd Place
16996 |
Accidental Engineering
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
8531 |
GA Bots
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
15182 |
11/23/2019 |
ROC-BOTS United FTC Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
6155 |
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
8492 |
Titanium Trojans
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
11617 |
Chelsea Glitch
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
15358 |
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Connect Award
13417 |
Circuit Rush
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Connect Award 2nd Place
5976 |
Brandon Tech
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Connect Award 3rd Place
13462 |
Digital Owls
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
13684 |
Infinity Tech
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Design Award
11729 |
Chelsea Crash
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Design Award 2nd Place
11618 |
Chelsea Gremlins
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Design Award 3rd Place
10020 |
Galvanized Gadgets
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
15465 |
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
11360 |
Space Unicorns
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Finalist Alliance - Captain
10020 |
Galvanized Gadgets
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Inspire Award
11618 |
Chelsea Gremlins
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Inspire Award 2nd Place
11729 |
Chelsea Crash
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Inspire Award 3rd Place
10538 |
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Judges' Award
15547 |
Robo Raiders
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Motivate Award
10538 |
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Motivate Award 2nd Place
13462 |
Digital Owls
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Motivate Award 3rd Place
9933 |
Grand Blanc Blazin' Turtles
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Think Award
5290 |
Steel Eagles
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Think Award 2nd Place
15465 |
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Think Award 3rd Place
13684 |
Infinity Tech
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
14657 |
Robo Warriors
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
5290 |
Steel Eagles
11/17/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifer 2
Winning Alliance - Captain
10538 |
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
16845 |
Error 404
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
16265 |
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
11576 |
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Connect Award
10348 |
Gear Masters
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Connect Award 2nd Place
11054 |
Brain Hackers Robotics
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Connect Award 3rd Place
11298 |
Die Krieger
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
16947 |
Holloman Falcons
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
11054 |
Brain Hackers Robotics
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
10348 |
Gear Masters
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Design Award
15789 |
Lovington RoboCats
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Design Award 2nd Place
16265 |
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Design Award 3rd Place
16826 |
The Hawx
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
10348 |
Gear Masters
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
16265 |
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Inspire Award
16265 |
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
11054 |
Brain Hackers Robotics
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
10348 |
Gear Masters
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Judges' Award
11298 |
Die Krieger
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Motivate Award
16846 |
CMS Robotic Tigers
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
10348 |
Gear Masters
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
12338 |
Mescalero Apache Chiefs
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Think Award
11054 |
Brain Hackers Robotics
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Think Award 2nd Place
11298 |
Die Krieger
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Think Award 3rd Place
16265 |
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
15789 |
Lovington RoboCats
11/16/2019 |
Alamogordo FTC Qualifying ...
Winning Alliance - Captain
16826 |
The Hawx
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
13054 |
Mechanical MasterMinds
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
6556 |
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
14539 |
Techno Turtles
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Connect Award
14539 |
Techno Turtles
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
6556 |
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Connect Award 3rd Place
8341 |
The RAMs
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Design Award
16694 |
Misplaced Pieces
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Design Award 2nd Place
16151 |
R U Serious
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Design Award 3rd Place
8341 |
The RAMs
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
12272 |
Tropical Storm
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
16151 |
R U Serious
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Inspire Award
16151 |
R U Serious
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
6556 |
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
8341 |
The RAMs
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Judges' Award
13090 |
Team Shield
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Motivate Award
6556 |
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Motivate Award 2nd Place
16151 |
R U Serious
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Motivate Award 3rd Place
8341 |
The RAMs
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Think Award
8341 |
The RAMs
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
6556 |
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Think Award 3rd Place
14539 |
Techno Turtles
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
13054 |
Mechanical MasterMinds
11/16/2019 |
Biloxi Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
16694 |
Misplaced Pieces
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
8777 |
The Goonies
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
7048 |
Purple Protons
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
12294 |
Terror Hawks
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Connect Award
10812 |
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
7048 |
Purple Protons
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Connect Award 3rd Place
14033 |
Robo Ravens
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Design Award
14033 |
Robo Ravens
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Design Award 2nd Place
7048 |
Purple Protons
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Design Award 3rd Place
8777 |
The Goonies
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
12303 |
Hacker Hawks
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
12459 |
Gibraltar Jedi
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
12379 |
Metal Maniacs
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Inspire Award
7048 |
Purple Protons
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
14033 |
Robo Ravens
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
10812 |
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Judges' Award
12294 |
Terror Hawks
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Motivate Award
15719 |
Blazin Bots
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Motivate Award 2nd Place
7048 |
Purple Protons
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Motivate Award 3rd Place
13876 |
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Think Award
13876 |
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
7048 |
Purple Protons
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Think Award 3rd Place
15719 |
Blazin Bots
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
12294 |
Terror Hawks
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
8777 |
The Goonies
11/16/2019 |
Dearborn Hts. FTC Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
7048 |
Purple Protons
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
12442 |
Honey Creek Community School Techmaniacs
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
7255 |
STEAM Stingers
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
8487 |
Robo Toasters
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Connect Award
10136 |
Frost RoboFalcons White
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Connect Award 2nd Place
6155 |
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Connect Award 3rd Place
10164 |
Techno Toasters
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
6079 |
Bionic Broncos
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
7255 |
STEAM Stingers
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
16408 |
Frost RoboFalcons Black
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Design Award
11244 |
Circuit Breakerz
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Design Award 2nd Place
6294 |
Space X-Bots
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Design Award 3rd Place
10137 |
Emerson RoboEagles
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
14109 |
WHCA Lightning Colts
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
7215 |
Turning Gears
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
10136 |
Frost RoboFalcons White
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Inspire Award
6155 |
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
11129 |
Novi Robotitans #11129
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
10477 |
Rapid Robots
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Judges' Award
7255 |
STEAM Stingers
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Judges' Award
15301 |
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Judges' Award
14109 |
WHCA Lightning Colts
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Motivate Award
7215 |
Turning Gears
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
6079 |
Bionic Broncos
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
10136 |
Frost RoboFalcons White
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Think Award
11129 |
Novi Robotitans #11129
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Think Award 2nd Place
10477 |
Rapid Robots
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Think Award 3rd Place
11668 |
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
6155 |
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
10698 |
Mad Mechanics
11/16/2019 |
Frog Force Frenzy FTC Qual...
Winning Alliance - Captain
7902 |
Da Cows
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
201 |
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
16258 |
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
9695 |
BCHS Electric Eagles
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Connect Award
4216 |
Rise of Hephaestus
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Connect Award 2nd Place
13309 |
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Connect Award 3rd Place
14835 |
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
12767 |
Catholic Master Builders
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
8995 |
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Design Award
8995 |
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Design Award 2nd Place
14624 |
Cat-astrophic Byte - Jaguar Robotics
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Design Award 3rd Place
16258 |
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
12767 |
Catholic Master Builders
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
14855 |
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Finalist Alliance - Captain
13968 |
Herberger Howlers
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Inspire Award
16684 |
Cosmic Voltage
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Inspire Award 2nd Place
8995 |
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Inspire Award 3rd Place
4216 |
Rise of Hephaestus
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Judges' Award
14835 |
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Motivate Award
14436 |
Roaring Robotics
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Motivate Award 2nd Place
15186 |
Lady Falcons
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Motivate Award 3rd Place
10111 |
Herberger Javelinas
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Think Award
7716 |
Knight Tech Robotics
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Think Award 2nd Place
9695 |
BCHS Electric Eagles
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Think Award 3rd Place
10111 |
Herberger Javelinas
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
4216 |
Rise of Hephaestus
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
2844 |
Valley X Robotics
11/16/2019 |
Gilbert Qualifying Tournament
Winning Alliance - Captain
8995 |
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
11230 |
OMS ElektraKatz
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
16668 |
4-Gear Clovers
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
8533 |
CSPA Miners
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Connect Award
7138 |
Mechanical Mayhem
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Connect Award 2nd Place
12821 |
White Lake Robotics - FTC RoboSharks
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Connect Award 3rd Place
12955 |
Fire Sparks
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
13748 |
Nerds United
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Design Award
10035 |
Robo Rangers
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Design Award 2nd Place
8133 |
Laker Robotics FTC Team 8133
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Design Award 3rd Place
5957 |
Sonic Eagles
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
16668 |
4-Gear Clovers
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
12821 |
White Lake Robotics - FTC RoboSharks
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Finalist Alliance - Captain
16358 |
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Inspire Award
8646 |
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Inspire Award 2nd Place
7043 |
Golden Gears
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Inspire Award 3rd Place
10035 |
Robo Rangers
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Judges' Award
11616 |
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Motivate Award
14351 |
Bionic Dragons
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Motivate Award 2nd Place
10024 |
Twisted Devils Black
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Motivate Award 3rd Place
9895 |
Greenhills School RoboHills
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Think Award
7043 |
Golden Gears
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Think Award 2nd Place
15229 |
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Think Award 3rd Place
10262 |
Pioneer Red Panthers
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
5386 |
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
8533 |
CSPA Miners
11/16/2019 |
Howell FTC Qualifier 1
Winning Alliance - Captain
10262 |
Pioneer Red Panthers
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
12603 |
Jefferson Wired Wolves
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
7047 |
Mechanical Monkeys
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
5954 |
Lightning Boltz
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Compass Award
11318 |
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Connect Award
5291 |
TOWR The Oxford Wildcats Robotics
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
7047 |
Mechanical Monkeys
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Connect Award 3rd Place
8142 |
Middle Mountie Megabots
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
7047 |
Mechanical Monkeys
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
9087 |
Twisted Devils Green
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
11318 |
Beta Wolfpack
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Design Award
10653 |
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Design Award 2nd Place
5291 |
TOWR The Oxford Wildcats Robotics
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Design Award 3rd Place
16559 |
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
5291 |
TOWR The Oxford Wildcats Robotics
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
7792 |
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
12603 |
Jefferson Wired Wolves
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Inspire Award
11254 |
Robo Rhinos
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
5291 |
TOWR The Oxford Wildcats Robotics
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
7047 |
Mechanical Monkeys
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Judges' Award
9087 |
Twisted Devils Green
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Motivate Award
14018 |
Middle Mountie Megabots (Red Team)
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Motivate Award 2nd Place
5291 |
TOWR The Oxford Wildcats Robotics
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Motivate Award 3rd Place
12603 |
Jefferson Wired Wolves
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Promote Award
12603 |
Jefferson Wired Wolves
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Think Award
9087 |
Twisted Devils Green
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
8027 |
Twisted Devils Blue
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Think Award 3rd Place
12603 |
Jefferson Wired Wolves
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
10653 |
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
8027 |
Twisted Devils Blue
11/16/2019 |
Marshall FTC Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
10735 |
JaXon Falcon Works - Gold
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
13018 |
The Wright Stuff
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
13605 |
Mechanical Mayhem
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
10272 |
Titanium Allies
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Compass Award
9972 |
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Connect Award
10272 |
Titanium Allies
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
12943 |
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Connect Award 3rd Place
9415 |
#9415 Wrench Dressing
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
9415 |
#9415 Wrench Dressing
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
14779 |
Spontaneous Construction
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
10273 |
Cat in The Hat Comes Back
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Design Award
10273 |
Cat in The Hat Comes Back
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Design Award 2nd Place
11488 |
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Design Award 3rd Place
14779 |
Spontaneous Construction
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
10397 |
Ice Breakers
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
13018 |
The Wright Stuff
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
10273 |
Cat in The Hat Comes Back
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Inspire Award
8962 |
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
14188 |
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
9972 |
Iron Gears
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Judges' Award
15530 |
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Motivate Award
11488 |
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Motivate Award 2nd Place
10273 |
Cat in The Hat Comes Back
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Motivate Award 3rd Place
5962 |
Nordic Storm
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Promote Award 2nd Place
9972 |
Iron Gears
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Promote Award 3rd Place
10273 |
Cat in The Hat Comes Back
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Think Award
14188 |
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
8962 |
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Think Award 3rd Place
9972 |
Iron Gears
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
11488 |
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
10471 |
Radioactive Robots
11/16/2019 |
MN FTC Eagan Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
9415 |
#9415 Wrench Dressing
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
14739 |
Metal Benders
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
12548 |
Rebel Droids
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
12327 |
Blue Devils Tech Team
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Compass Award
10019 |
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Connect Award
13547 |
E=mc2 Eagles
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
10611 |
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Connect Award 3rd Place
12548 |
Rebel Droids
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
15256 |
Techno Knights
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
16601 |
Blue Devils Tech Team 2
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
8580 |
Oakview CyberDragons
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Design Award
16601 |
Blue Devils Tech Team 2
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Design Award 2nd Place
11231 |
Cyborg Cats
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Design Award 3rd Place
8580 |
Oakview CyberDragons
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
11231 |
Cyborg Cats
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
13150 |
Cyborg Wolves
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
15256 |
Techno Knights
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Inspire Award
8580 |
Oakview CyberDragons
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
12548 |
Rebel Droids
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
11231 |
Cyborg Cats
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Judges' Award
13998 |
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Motivate Award
7140 |
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Motivate Award 2nd Place
10611 |
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Motivate Award 3rd Place
12548 |
Rebel Droids
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Promote Award
10611 |
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Promote Award 2nd Place
7140 |
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Promote Award 3rd Place
13733 |
Electric Bacon
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Think Award
11231 |
Cyborg Cats
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
7045 |
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Think Award 3rd Place
8580 |
Oakview CyberDragons
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
6255 |
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
14465 |
Sir Lancer Bot
11/16/2019 |
Thunderquest FTC Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
12548 |
Rebel Droids
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
16937 |
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
8404 |
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
4345 |
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Connect Award
11311 |
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Connect Award 2nd Place
11039 |
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Connect Award 3rd Place
11689 |
We Love Pi
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
14078 |
Mechanical Lemons
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
11039 |
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
14259 |
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Design Award
13216 |
Deja Vu
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Design Award 2nd Place
8404 |
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Design Award 3rd Place
11039 |
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
11311 |
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
13215 |
Bracket Sources
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
16688 |
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Inspire Award
11039 |
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
8404 |
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
11311 |
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Motivate Award
8404 |
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
11311 |
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
4345 |
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Think Award
8375 |
Vulcan Robotics
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Think Award 2nd Place
13216 |
Deja Vu
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Think Award 3rd Place
16688 |
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
8404 |
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
16937 |
11/10/2019 |
NorCal FTC Saratoga Qualif...
Winning Alliance - Captain
8802 |
Negative Resistance
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
14236 |
Slight Malfunction
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
10191 |
Trial and Error Robotics
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
3486 |
Techno Warriors Advanced
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Connect Award
9298 |
Bionic Cobras
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Connect Award 2nd Place
14236 |
Slight Malfunction
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Connect Award 3rd Place
3486 |
Techno Warriors Advanced
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Design Award
10191 |
Trial and Error Robotics
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Design Award 2nd Place
12390 |
The Robotic Raiders
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Design Award 3rd Place
14236 |
Slight Malfunction
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
11195 |
Envisioneers II
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Finalist Alliance - Captain
14236 |
Slight Malfunction
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Inspire Award
8651 |
Wait For It...
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Inspire Award 2nd Place
3486 |
Techno Warriors Advanced
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Inspire Award 3rd Place
14236 |
Slight Malfunction
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Judges' Award
11195 |
Envisioneers II
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Judges' Award
11197 |
Envisioneers III
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Motivate Award
12390 |
The Robotic Raiders
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Motivate Award 2nd Place
3486 |
Techno Warriors Advanced
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Motivate Award 3rd Place
14236 |
Slight Malfunction
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Think Award
3486 |
Techno Warriors Advanced
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Think Award 2nd Place
14236 |
Slight Malfunction
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Think Award 3rd Place
12390 |
The Robotic Raiders
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
10191 |
Trial and Error Robotics
11/09/2019 |
South Central MS Qualifier
Winning Alliance - Captain
8651 |
Wait For It...
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
10369 |
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
10984 |
Beep Patrol
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
8081 |
Knights of the Lab Table
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Connect Award
12241 |
Panther Robotics
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Connect Award 2nd Place
12892 |
White Mountain Robotics - Juggerbots
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Connect Award 3rd Place
16265 |
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
12892 |
White Mountain Robotics - Juggerbots
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
16265 |
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
13099 |
San Carlos High School BRAVES ROBOTICS TEAM - The Circ...
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Design Award
13099 |
San Carlos High School BRAVES ROBOTICS TEAM - The Circ...
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Design Award 2nd Place
14814 |
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Design Award 3rd Place
8081 |
Knights of the Lab Table
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
8081 |
Knights of the Lab Table
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
13099 |
San Carlos High School BRAVES ROBOTICS TEAM - The Circ...
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Inspire Award
16265 |
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
8081 |
Knights of the Lab Table
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
10369 |
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Judges' Award
11529 |
Navajo Code Writers
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Judges' Award
12338 |
Mescalero Apache Chiefs
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Judges' Award
9743 |
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Motivate Award
10984 |
Beep Patrol
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
12892 |
White Mountain Robotics - Juggerbots
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
10246 |
The Midnight Cicadas
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Think Award
8081 |
Knights of the Lab Table
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Think Award 2nd Place
10369 |
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Think Award 3rd Place
13099 |
San Carlos High School BRAVES ROBOTICS TEAM - The Circ...
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
10369 |
11/09/2019 |
White Mountain Qualifying ...
Winning Alliance - Captain
14814 |
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
11712 |
Aberhart Robotics Republic (Orange)
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
10015 |
SWAT Bots (Red)
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
11639 |
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Connect Award
16544 |
Stratobots #16544
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Connect Award 2nd Place
10544 |
Cyber Eagles
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Connect Award 3rd Place
12094 |
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
10015 |
SWAT Bots (Red)
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
5009 |
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
10544 |
Cyber Eagles
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Design Award
11639 |
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Design Award 2nd Place
10015 |
SWAT Bots (Red)
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Design Award 3rd Place
10544 |
Cyber Eagles
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
16544 |
Stratobots #16544
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
14021 |
SCHS Robotic Team - SRT 1
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Finalist Alliance - Captain
16596 |
Alberta Tech Alliance (ATA)
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Inspire Award
10544 |
Cyber Eagles
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Inspire Award 2nd Place
10015 |
SWAT Bots (Red)
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Inspire Award 3rd Place
5009 |
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Judges' Award
17409 |
I'myanistsitapikoan (Many People in One)
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Motivate Award
5009 |
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Motivate Award 2nd Place
10544 |
Cyber Eagles
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Motivate Award 3rd Place
16544 |
Stratobots #16544
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Think Award
13000 |
Data Wolves
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Think Award 2nd Place
10544 |
Cyber Eagles
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Think Award 3rd Place
5009 |
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
10544 |
Cyber Eagles
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
16595 |
SWAT Bots (Black)
03/08/2020 |
FTC Alberta Championship
Winning Alliance - Captain
10015 |
SWAT Bots (Red)
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
14212 |
Metro CyborKnights
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
4784 |
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
14405 |
CAP Crusaders
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Compass Award
4781 |
Marlon Anuran
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Compass Award 2nd Place
8365 |
Iffrat Mai
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Compass Award 3rd Place
310 |
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Connect Award
11997 |
Heights Techies
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Connect Award 2nd Place
14405 |
CAP Crusaders
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Connect Award 3rd Place
479 |
Stuy Fusion
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
10539 |
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
17126 |
Natural Selection
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
8721 |
Mighty Mechanics
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Design Award
8721 |
Mighty Mechanics
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Design Award 2nd Place
479 |
Stuy Fusion
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Design Award 3rd Place
13368 |
The Mechatronics
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
8721 |
Mighty Mechanics
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
12178 |
Artificial Intelligence
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
14405 |
CAP Crusaders
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Inspire Award
8365 |
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
10539 |
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
310 |
Stuy Fission
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Motivate Award
14413 |
Trinity Tigers
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
4781 |
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
13368 |
The Mechatronics
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Think Award
12178 |
Artificial Intelligence
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Think Award 2nd Place
14212 |
Metro CyborKnights
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Think Award 3rd Place
4781 |
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
17126 |
Natural Selection
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
6051 |
Quantum Mechanics
03/08/2020 |
NYC FIRST Tech Challenge C...
Winning Alliance - Captain
10539 |
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
8417 |
'Lectric Legends
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
13808 |
The Time Travelers
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
9864 |
Jug Rox Robotix
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Compass Award
4537 |
Anthony Erickson
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Compass Award 2nd Place
11225 |
Sarah Weyrens
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Connect Award
12835 |
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Connect Award 2nd Place
8373 |
Diva Force
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Connect Award 3rd Place
16829 |
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
11081 |
SPARC Robotics
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
9864 |
Jug Rox Robotix
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
9912 |
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Design Award
13808 |
The Time Travelers
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Design Award 2nd Place
11081 |
SPARC Robotics
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Design Award 3rd Place
7209 |
Tech Hogs Robotics
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
9864 |
Jug Rox Robotix
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
4444 |
Whitefield Robocats
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Finalist Alliance - Captain
13034 |
R.O.C.K.S. Robotics
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Inspire Award
13034 |
R.O.C.K.S. Robotics
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Inspire Award 2nd Place
12835 |
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Inspire Award 3rd Place
8417 |
'Lectric Legends
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Judges' Award
14709 |
Augusta Panthers
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Motivate Award
9912 |
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Motivate Award 2nd Place
16515 |
Greenwood High School
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Motivate Award 3rd Place
13034 |
R.O.C.K.S. Robotics
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Promote Award
4537 |
DRSS Enterprise
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Promote Award 2nd Place
15116 |
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Promote Award 3rd Place
8373 |
Diva Force
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Think Award
8373 |
Diva Force
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Think Award 2nd Place
13034 |
R.O.C.K.S. Robotics
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Think Award 3rd Place
12835 |
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
12835 |
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
11081 |
SPARC Robotics
03/07/2020 |
KY FTC State Championship
Winning Alliance - Captain
8417 |
'Lectric Legends
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
9881 |
Golden Gears
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
14295 |
Operation Technology And Character
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
14531 |
The 2nd Rebellion
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Compass Award
14295 |
Jason Rehard
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Compass Award 2nd Place
9040 |
Alexia White
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Compass Award 3rd Place
3526 |
Lee Hamill
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Connect Award
12525 |
Wolf Corp. FTC
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Connect Award 2nd Place
5218 |
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Connect Award 3rd Place
14295 |
Operation Technology And Character
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
542 |
WHS Robotics
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
10298 |
Brain Stormz
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
8039 |
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Design Award
6282 |
Simi Valley Robotics
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Design Award 2nd Place
11770 |
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Design Award 3rd Place
5380 |
Statistic Magicians
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
14295 |
Operation Technology And Character
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
10298 |
Brain Stormz
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
17600 |
MoVal Robotics
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Inspire Award
3526 |
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
542 |
WHS Robotics
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
6436 |
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Judges' Award
17600 |
MoVal Robotics
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Motivate Award
5218 |
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
6325 |
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
8039 |
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Promote Award
17600 |
MoVal Robotics
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Promote Award 2nd Place
11770 |
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Promote Award 3rd Place
14531 |
The 2nd Rebellion
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Think Award
8564 |
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Think Award 2nd Place
11770 |
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Think Award 3rd Place
542 |
WHS Robotics
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
3526 |
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
11770 |
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Winning Alliance - Captain
5942 |
Team Torch
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
9836 |
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
4628 |
Suit Bots
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
8039 |
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
14295 |
Operation Technology And Character
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
10298 |
Brain Stormz
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Winning Alliance - Captain
17600 |
MoVal Robotics
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
9881 |
Golden Gears
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
5218 |
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
4625 |
Kings and Queens
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
3526 |
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
11770 |
03/07/2020 |
Los Angeles Championship M...
Winning Alliance - Captain
5942 |
Team Torch
03/07/2020 |
Massachusetts State Champi...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
5273 |
ARC Thunder
03/07/2020 |
Massachusetts State Champi...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
6040 |
Canton Robodogs
03/07/2020 |
Massachusetts State Champi...
Compass Award
6040 |
Jay Cahill
03/07/2020 |
Massachusetts State Champi...
Connect Award
5436 |
Aluminum Cobblers
03/07/2020 |
Massachusetts State Champi...
Connect Award 2nd Place
13620 |
The Winsor Wildbots
03/07/2020 |
Massachusetts State Champi...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
14039 |
03/07/2020 |
Massachusetts State Champi...
Design Award
4029 |
2 Bits and a Byte
03/07/2020 |
Massachusetts State Champi...
Design Award 2nd Place
14079 |
Attic Fanatics
03/07/2020 |
Massachusetts State Champi...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
9867 |
Evolution Robotics
03/07/2020 |
Massachusetts State Champi...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
8379 |
The Parity Bits
03/07/2020 |
Massachusetts State Champi...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
14875 |
03/07/2020 |
Massachusetts State Champi...
Inspire Award
6055 |
03/07/2020 |
Massachusetts State Champi...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
5436 |
Aluminum Cobblers
03/07/2020 |
Massachusetts State Champi...
Motivate Award
10331 |
ARC Hailstorm
03/07/2020 |
Massachusetts State Champi...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
9867 |
Evolution Robotics
03/07/2020 |
Massachusetts State Champi...
Think Award
1 |
Team Unlimited
03/07/2020 |
Massachusetts State Champi...
Think Award 2nd Place
8379 |
The Parity Bits
03/07/2020 |
Massachusetts State Champi...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
14039 |
03/07/2020 |
Massachusetts State Champi...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
14079 |
Attic Fanatics
03/07/2020 |
Massachusetts State Champi...
Winning Alliance - Captain
8644 |
The Brainstormers
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
10127 |
Tesla's Knights
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
5119 |
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
7357 |
Team Titanium Tech
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Compass Award
6547 |
Ann Stafford
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Compass Award 2nd Place
10127 |
Rich Brull
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Compass Award 3rd Place
12427 |
Kevin Lay
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Connect Award
8856 |
Springfield Robotics "Aluminum Falcons"
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Connect Award 2nd Place
5227 |
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Connect Award 3rd Place
5119 |
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
5227 |
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
9911 |
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
10265 |
Force Green
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Design Award
6547 |
Cobalt Colts
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Design Award 2nd Place
3658 |
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Design Award 3rd Place
10173 |
Ravonics Gemini
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
5227 |
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
9106 |
Ravonics Genesis
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Finalist Alliance - Captain
3409 |
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Inspire Award
3409 |
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Inspire Award 2nd Place
6547 |
Cobalt Colts
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Inspire Award 3rd Place
3664 |
Girls With Attitude
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Motivate Award
5905 |
Camdenton FTC LASER Middle School #1
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Motivate Award 2nd Place
9856 |
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Motivate Award 3rd Place
13132 |
Miner Clue
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Promote Award
9612 |
Oakville Lasagnaneers
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Promote Award 2nd Place
9911 |
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Promote Award 3rd Place
6547 |
Cobalt Colts
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Think Award
10265 |
Force Green
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Think Award 2nd Place
3664 |
Girls With Attitude
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Think Award 3rd Place
16446 |
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
3658 |
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
11126 |
Revolution Robotics
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championship
Winning Alliance - Captain
7357 |
Team Titanium Tech
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championshi...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
4587 |
Red Hot Techie Peppers
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championshi...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
5119 |
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championshi...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
9808 |
Team Chargers
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championshi...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
3658 |
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championshi...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
11126 |
Revolution Robotics
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championshi...
Winning Alliance - Captain
7357 |
Team Titanium Tech
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championshi...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
10127 |
Tesla's Knights
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championshi...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
5905 |
Camdenton FTC LASER Middle School #1
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championshi...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
16309 |
Stealth Panther Robotics FTC
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championshi...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
5227 |
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championshi...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
9106 |
Ravonics Genesis
03/07/2020 |
Missouri State Championshi...
Winning Alliance - Captain
3409 |
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
10738 |
SBS Bears
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
11517 |
Digital Darlings
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
11988 |
LuHi Robotics
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Compass Award
11401 |
Dr. B
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Compass Award 2nd Place
9421 |
Michael Pinto
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Compass Award 3rd Place
11988 |
Harold Kennedy
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Connect Award
12382 |
Syosset Nebula
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Connect Award 2nd Place
11988 |
LuHi Robotics
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Connect Award 3rd Place
10696 |
Syosset Syborgs
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
4137 |
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
11517 |
Digital Darlings
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
10738 |
SBS Bears
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Design Award
11517 |
Digital Darlings
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Design Award 2nd Place
13847 |
At Least It Didn't Explode
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Design Award 3rd Place
11988 |
LuHi Robotics
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
9421 |
Hydrofluoric Robotics
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
4017 |
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
14265 |
LYSA Rusty Robots
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Inspire Award
11988 |
LuHi Robotics
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
11517 |
Digital Darlings
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
12382 |
Syosset Nebula
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Motivate Award
4017 |
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
11517 |
Digital Darlings
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
12382 |
Syosset Nebula
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Promote Award
7407 |
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Promote Award 2nd Place
14461 |
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Promote Award 3rd Place
14265 |
LYSA Rusty Robots
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Think Award
6438 |
Syosset Syndicate
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Think Award 2nd Place
12382 |
Syosset Nebula
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Think Award 3rd Place
11988 |
LuHi Robotics
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
6438 |
Syosset Syndicate
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
4137 |
03/07/2020 |
SBPLI FIRST Tech Challenge...
Winning Alliance - Captain
10738 |
SBS Bears
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
8479 |
RoboCavs Gold
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
8297 |
Geared UP!
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
8719 |
Quantum Leap
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Connect Award
10464 |
The Bionic Tigers
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Connect Award 2nd Place
10515 |
Xtreme Voltage
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Connect Award 3rd Place
8719 |
Quantum Leap
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
10357 |
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
9866 |
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
8297 |
Geared UP!
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Design Award
9866 |
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Design Award 2nd Place
8221 |
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Design Award 3rd Place
12518 |
Almond Robotics
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
12518 |
Almond Robotics
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
12773 |
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Finalist Alliance - Captain
9866 |
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Inspire Award
8297 |
Geared UP!
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Inspire Award 2nd Place
8221 |
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Inspire Award 3rd Place
10464 |
The Bionic Tigers
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Judges' Award
16680 |
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Motivate Award
9794 |
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Motivate Award 2nd Place
10464 |
The Bionic Tigers
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Motivate Award 3rd Place
14607 |
Robot Uprising
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Promote Award
5421 |
RM'd and Dangerous
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Promote Award 2nd Place
10515 |
Xtreme Voltage
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Promote Award 3rd Place
10464 |
The Bionic Tigers
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Think Award
8221 |
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Think Award 2nd Place
10464 |
The Bionic Tigers
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Think Award 3rd Place
8719 |
Quantum Leap
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
10515 |
Xtreme Voltage
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
8702 |
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championship
Winning Alliance - Captain
8221 |
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championshi...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
9794 |
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championshi...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
8479 |
RoboCavs Gold
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championshi...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
8719 |
Quantum Leap
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championshi...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
12518 |
Almond Robotics
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championshi...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
12773 |
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championshi...
Winning Alliance - Captain
9866 |
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championshi...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
8297 |
Geared UP!
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championshi...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
17126 |
Natural Selection
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championshi...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
14607 |
Robot Uprising
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championshi...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
10515 |
Xtreme Voltage
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championshi...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
8702 |
03/01/2020 |
MD-DC SKYSTONE Championshi...
Winning Alliance - Captain
8221 |
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
8393 |
The Giant Diencephalic BrainSTEM Robotics Team
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
9872 |
(In)Formal Logic
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
12538 |
eBorg Robotics
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Compass Award
9242 |
Amy Krtanjek
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Compass Award 2nd Place
16330 |
Ramkumar Duraiswamy
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Compass Award 3rd Place
5029 |
Terence Chu
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Connect Award
2818 |
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Connect Award 2nd Place
12538 |
eBorg Robotics
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Connect Award 3rd Place
7423 |
Flaming Phoenix
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
9773 |
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
12538 |
eBorg Robotics
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
8393 |
The Giant Diencephalic BrainSTEM Robotics Team
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Design Award
8645 |
Robotic Doges
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Design Award 2nd Place
12538 |
eBorg Robotics
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Design Award 3rd Place
9889 |
Cruise Control
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
7314 |
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
8405 |
Millburn Robotics
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Finalist Alliance - Captain
4174 |
Atomic Theory
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Inspire Award
12538 |
eBorg Robotics
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Inspire Award 2nd Place
8645 |
Robotic Doges
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Inspire Award 3rd Place
8393 |
The Giant Diencephalic BrainSTEM Robotics Team
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Judges' Award
9570 |
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Motivate Award
9242 |
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Motivate Award 2nd Place
12792 |
Sharon High Robotics Team
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Motivate Award 3rd Place
10098 |
2 Eyed Illuminati
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Promote Award
5910 |
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Promote Award 2nd Place
12538 |
eBorg Robotics
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Promote Award 3rd Place
14427 |
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Think Award
7244 |
OUT of the BOX
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Think Award 2nd Place
5029 |
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Think Award 3rd Place
8645 |
Robotic Doges
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
7244 |
OUT of the BOX
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
12538 |
eBorg Robotics
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Championship
Winning Alliance - Captain
8393 |
The Giant Diencephalic BrainSTEM Robotics Team
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Champions...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
5440 |
Blazin' Circuits
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Champions...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
11208 |
Kardia Robotics
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Champions...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
9889 |
Cruise Control
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Champions...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
7244 |
OUT of the BOX
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Champions...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
12538 |
eBorg Robotics
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Champions...
Winning Alliance - Captain
8393 |
The Giant Diencephalic BrainSTEM Robotics Team
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Champions...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
8645 |
Robotic Doges
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Champions...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
14427 |
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Champions...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
5485 |
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Champions...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
7314 |
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Champions...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
8405 |
Millburn Robotics
03/01/2020 |
Pennsylvania FTC Champions...
Winning Alliance - Captain
4174 |
Atomic Theory
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
14496 |
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
15146 |
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
12823 |
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Compass Award
11212 |
Olivia Tian
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Compass Award 2nd Place
5015 |
Daniel Murdock
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Compass Award 3rd Place
11128 |
Vernkat Rangan
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Connect Award
4216 |
Rise of Hephaestus
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Connect Award 2nd Place
11128 |
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Connect Award 3rd Place
11212 |
The Clueless
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
16884 |
Mechanical Advantage
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
15146 |
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
14140 |
Crash Test
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Design Award
14140 |
Crash Test
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Design Award 2nd Place
7696 |
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Design Award 3rd Place
15146 |
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
3712 |
Purple F.E.A.R. (Fierce Eagle Advanced Robotics)
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
11128 |
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
14496 |
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Inspire Award
15146 |
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
11128 |
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
7696 |
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Judges' Award
16589 |
"Keep It Simple"
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Motivate Award
9049 |
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
11128 |
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
15146 |
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Promote Award
10793 |
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Promote Award 2nd Place
16884 |
Mechanical Advantage
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Promote Award 3rd Place
5015 |
Buffalo Wings
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Think Award
9261 |
Level Up
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Think Award 2nd Place
7696 |
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Think Award 3rd Place
15146 |
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
12823 |
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
7696 |
03/01/2020 |
San Diego FTC Regional Cha...
Winning Alliance - Captain
15146 |
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
5026 |
Tesla Coils
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
724 |
RedNek Robotics Wun
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
5667 |
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Connect Award
16091 |
T.W.C.A. (Team Without a Cool Acronym)
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Connect Award 2nd Place
6088 |
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Connect Award 3rd Place
724 |
RedNek Robotics Wun
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
11471 |
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
5667 |
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
5687 |
Cyber Mafia
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Design Award
12351 |
Nuclear Minds
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Design Award 2nd Place
12384 |
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Design Award 3rd Place
14147 |
High Voltage Couch Bananas
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
14147 |
High Voltage Couch Bananas
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
17387 |
The Boiz
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Finalist Alliance - Captain
5026 |
Tesla Coils
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Inspire Award
12384 |
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Inspire Award 2nd Place
5026 |
Tesla Coils
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Inspire Award 3rd Place
5687 |
Cyber Mafia
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Judges' Award
16998 |
JMS Coded Minds
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Motivate Award
5687 |
Cyber Mafia
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Motivate Award 2nd Place
16091 |
T.W.C.A. (Team Without a Cool Acronym)
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Motivate Award 3rd Place
13003 |
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Promote Award
6088 |
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Think Award
14147 |
High Voltage Couch Bananas
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Think Award 2nd Place
5687 |
Cyber Mafia
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Think Award 3rd Place
11471 |
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
12351 |
Nuclear Minds
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
724 |
RedNek Robotics Wun
02/29/2020 |
FIRST Tech Challenge Idaho...
Winning Alliance - Captain
12384 |
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
4717 |
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
3101 |
Boom Bots
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
14431 |
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Compass Award
7477 |
Richard "Dick" Gilson
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Compass Award 2nd Place
10650 |
Glynn Dettman
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Compass Award 3rd Place
17014 |
Chris George
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Connect Award
3888 |
Greased Lightning
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Connect Award 2nd Place
7719 |
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Connect Award 3rd Place
7477 |
Super 7
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
9779 |
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
6433 |
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
516 |
Gears of Fire
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Design Award
16391 |
Rising Ninjas
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Design Award 2nd Place
9779 |
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Design Award 3rd Place
10497 |
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
12600 |
Hadron Knights
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
2845 |
Team Duct Tape
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Finalist Alliance - Captain
9779 |
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Inspire Award
12600 |
Hadron Knights
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Inspire Award 2nd Place
3888 |
Greased Lightning
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Inspire Award 3rd Place
3101 |
Boom Bots
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Judges' Award
17014 |
Fierce Fish
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Judges' Award
10284 |
Team R.O.B.O.T. (Really Obsessed Builders Of Tomorrow)
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Judges' Award
17244 |
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Motivate Award
3101 |
Boom Bots
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Motivate Award 2nd Place
5937 |
Renaissance Robotics
02/29/2020 |
Florida FTC State Championship
Motivate Award 3rd Place
6433 |
02/29/2020 |